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Interview: Impartial law enforcement, administration of justice serve China’s modernization drive

BEIJING, Aug. 15 (Xinhua) — A senior justice has stressed that further deepening reform of institutions and mechanisms for impartial law enforcement and administration of justice holds great significance in advancing the rule of law comprehensively, enhancing state governance capacity, and serving and guaranteeing Chinese modernization.
In an interview with Xinhua, He Xiaorong, vice president of China’s Supreme People’s Court, elaborated on the reform measures and tasks related to justice outlined in a key resolution recently adopted by the 20th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee.
Improvement of the institutions and mechanisms for impartial law enforcement and administration of justice contributes to building a high-standard socialist market economy, modernizing China’s system and capacity for governance, and meeting the people’s needs for a better life, He said.
He noted that the resolution stipulates that “supervisory organs, public security organs, procuratorates, courts and administrative departments for justice all fulfill their respective functions, and that powers of supervision, investigation, procuratorates, adjudication and enforcement complement and constrain each other.”
He said that to further improve the system of constraints, it is necessary to enhance the orderly linking up of investigation and criminal proceedings, increase mutual restraint among powers, fully implement reform of the trial-centered litigation system, and effectively confine the exercise of power in an institutional cage.
Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, significant progress has been made in the work of the people’s courts in terms of enforcement of rulings. However, challenges such as difficulty and disorder in enforcement still persist, He revealed.
To address these issues, the resolution specifies endeavors to continue deepening reform of the separation of adjudicatory power from enforcement power, and strengthen full-process supervision of enforcement by parties involved, procuratorial organs and the public.
The resolution stipulates increasing the transparency of judicial work and improvement of relevant procedures, as well as enforcing and enhancing judicial accountability.
It is essential to ensure the standard and efficient operation of judicial power and to guarantee judicial justice through institutional mechanisms, He said.
To this end, He underlined efforts to fully leverage the checks and oversight of judicial openness in the exercise of judicial power. At the same time, greater emphasis should be placed on internal checks and oversight regarding judicial power, He added. ■
